What maintenance measures do cardboard cutters require?


Cardboard cutter is a commonly used equipment in industrial production. In order to ensure its long-term stable operation and efficient work, regular maintenance and upkeep is required. The following are common maintenance measures for cardboard cutters:

Regular Cleaning: Regular cleaning is key to keeping your cardboard cutter running properly. Operators should regularly remove dust, paper scraps and other debris on the surface and inside of the machine to keep the machine clean. Especially for the cutting system part, the blade and cutting area should be cleaned regularly to ensure cutting quality and tool life.

Lubrication and maintenance: The mechanical moving parts of the cardboard cutter require regular lubrication and maintenance to reduce friction and wear and extend the service life of the machine. Operators should regularly check the lubrication of the machine and add or replace lubricating oil to ensure smooth operation of all moving parts.

Knife maintenance: The cutting system is the core component of the cardboard cutter. The condition of the cutting tool directly affects cutting quality and efficiency. Operators should regularly check the wear of cutting tools and replace seriously worn blades in a timely manner to ensure cutting quality and the service life of cutting tools. At the same time, cutting tools also require regular grinding and dressing to restore their sharpness and geometry.

Electrical system inspection: The electrical system of the cardboard cutter is one of the keys to ensuring the normal operation of the machine. Operators should regularly check the connecting lines and joints of the electrical system to ensure their safety and reliability; at the same time, check the working status of electrical components, such as switches, fuses, etc., and replace damaged or aging electrical components in a timely manner.

Safety equipment testing: Safety equipment is an important guarantee to ensure the safety of operators. Operators should regularly check the safety equipment of the cardboard cutter, such as safety shields, emergency stop buttons, safety sensors, etc., to ensure that they are intact and effective, and repair or replace damaged safety equipment in a timely manner.

Frame structure inspection: The frame structure of the cardboard cutter is the foundation that supports the entire equipment. The stability and integrity of the frame structure need to be checked regularly to prevent unstable equipment operation or failure due to frame deformation or damage. If any abnormality is found in the shelf structure, it should be repaired or reinforced in time.

Operating specification training: Finally, regular operating specification and safety training for operators is an important part of ensuring the safe operation of the cardboard cutter. Operators should understand the working principle and operating procedures of the machine, master the correct operating methods and safety precautions, and avoid malfunctions and accidents caused by improper operation.

cardboard cutting machine

The maintenance work of the cardboard cutter includes regular cleaning, lubrication and maintenance, tool maintenance, electrical system inspection, safety equipment inspection, frame structure inspection and operating specification training, etc. Through scientific and effective maintenance measures, cardboard cutting can be guaranteed.

For more information, please consult:

Email: info@aolcnc.com

Phone: +86-531-88620680

WhatsApp/We Chat: 0086-18560162709

youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDiNQSjBR5DsAX9QfkWF7AA

Website: https://www.aolcnc.com/

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